Archive: Cuphead

Cuphead Available Now on Macintosh!

19th of October, 2018

We’ve seen the posts. We’ve heard the requests. Now, at long last, the day has finally arrived to make good on our promise: Cuphead is available on Mac, via Steam and GOG. What’s more, we’re putting the game on sale through this weekend!

Cuphead Turns One!

29th of September, 2018

One year ago today, we were filled with excitement and nerves as we launched Cuphead worldwide. After spending so many years crafting the Inkwell Isles, we only hoped that people would enjoy spending time there. And, if we were really lucky, we thought we might reach enough players to continue making games!

Cuphead Goes Triple Platinum!

9th of August, 2018

Hello friends! We’re barely past the halfway mark of 2018, and are humbled to announce that Cuphead has already reached over 3 million copies sold!

Cuphead goes double platinum!

Cuphead Goes Double Platinum!

20th of December, 2017

Hello friends! Much to our shock and amazement, we can announce that Cuphead has now sold over 2 million copies across all platforms. Even in our wildest dreams, we never